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Greg Greenway in Concert

Hello, Hello, Hello is the theme for this Thursday’s Live Concert. Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84128153550?pwd=blRkdWRHZ29vOGdzUFNhbzFGenRGQT09 Live on Facebook, and Zoom.
This photo is of early morning Pleasant Bay in N. Chatham on the Cape. It was September and the last trip of the summer and I had to stop the car. Hello to the morning, hello to the Fall, hello to all of the people that I was going to see. It’s a time when everything starts again for me. Maybe it’s because I loved school, but I get an inexplicable energy when the shadows start to lengthen. We’ll be back from our last day beside the ocean tomorrow, and I’m psyched to see you all on Thursday. There will be another great hang after the show. Join us, tell your friends, bring your pets, it’s going to be fun.


September 23, 2021
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
2021 09 23 LS XXXII Hello Ad